You shine so bright it's insane,
You put the Sun to shame.

Not always the limelight , girl

I'm online.
I'm fucking hungry , my stomach's super irritating it keeps growling and interupts my reading.
It's 6:37, the sky's light blue now!
(Am so excited to gym/swim)

It's not that I can't sleep, I can and am tired and my body hasn't moved for so long it's bloody numbing and aching and my feet are freezing, it's cold. But, I spent my time well, I guess! I guess I see the light. It's so much more, so much more than that, so much more than meets the eye. I should be happy that at the least, I've got a happy family. (L)

I wonder if it feels the same.
The same songs.
The same words.
The same things.
The same emotions.
Gosh, I do hope everyone's better. Shall go pray again later.

My stomach rumbled againnnnnnnn. Shall go sleep it off.

I miss the beach. Again. And so many things.