You shine so bright it's insane,
You put the Sun to shame.

Welcome to my silly life

Things that you take lightly, don't have the power to affect you. That way things cannot hurt you.


Things people all know are wrong, but do anyway. What are we easing?

Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel
Like you're less then, fuckin' perfect

Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes

would life be easier if

what if everyone stopped caring about anything one day

countless times you said youre done with caring

I wish the entire Libya episode would cease. It's really horrible, just looking at the bullets. "They wouldn't let families claim bodies unless they sign an agreement their family died in surgery." That's so unjust, then again, we live in an unfair world.

Please let me have someone who is cool, doesn't play dota, is athletic, dresses up, is a gentleman and likes to go places. Thanks. HAHA

I don't like how people judge when they don't even know the other person well, or aren't even the one firsthand in the situation. The way people use every opportunity they have to point fingers, drown others in their unreasonable ramble. People change, though. It's good to always believe, and have faith in people because even though things may be ugly, things are ever-changing too. Like how good times never really last, so do bad things. If everyone stays in the past, the people who want to change will never be able to walk out of their shadows. Yet, it's pretty unpleasant to see how your efforts and hopes put on others are compromised for them abandoning themselves. Because you don't matter, because you are insignificant, because they are too absorbed in their pain to care what's ahead. But you don't want them to miss out on anything. You want the people you care for to be able to enjoy the enjoyment you are able to bask in which you know is crucial with personal effort. No amount of help rendered would really reach your friend and it is up to them to save themselves.

Yet, as you loosen your grip for loss of faith or negligence, even because you are caught up with yourself, they sink and sink and the quicksand of rapid resignation swallow your friends. They are gone. Coated with despair, their weak shattered souls give in. Give in to fate, (but word has it that you can build your own fate) give in to endless sleepless nights, give in to a whirlpool of sad love songs. How it irks you, but you can't change things one bit. Things only keep going wrong.

How can a person change so much for another, or morph into ways of another after certain interactions. How, when the person is gone, what you once found inacceptable as acceptable and throw yourself into it. Was it to prove you are good enough too, or to demonstrate the same level of frequency in desperation of getting back something you never would have again?

Or maybe because right now you are nothing more than a lost kite caught in a hurricane and you are an empty shell just swaying with the wind
fly your head rose. you can't fly. you are human.

Dope and stoke

I wanted to post this long, thoughtful, emotion-evoking post for Valentine's Day, but Titanic's on Channel 5, HOW CAN I NOT WATCH TITANIC, my whole family watches it everytime it's on. And my emotions came and left so HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA TITANIC. Maybe I'll feel more later, then post HAHA Maybe not at all.


While there are some on the international music scene blissfully unaware of a little island called Singapore, and others who find it too small to include it as a tour stop, the American chose Singapore to kick off her world tour.


Of course, THIS, is Taylor Swift's Speak Now World Tour 2011 HEHEHEHEHE. I get so stressed up looking at her list of countries. It's a whopping list, trust me. We got the world tour tee and it's printed at the back. TAYLORRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. XXX Okay, unfortunately the photo sequence is from below up. But yeah, I'm tiredddddd. I'm a bigger fan after her concert. G'night/morning world!

Jellyhearts, I pespired so heavily looking for the landed property under the scorching sun and had difficulty walking from blisters. Little india 4 busstops away, still got bus, go farrer park for what! And must walkkkkkk. But so worth it. Happy Pearl, Yummy Cheesecake with jelly and strawberries.