You shine so bright it's insane,
You put the Sun to shame.

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ZARHHHHHHHHH. Think think think. Sure you won't regret? Sure this is what you want. How does it impact you, what's your fear? Tomorrow, tommorrow you gotta be so damned sure. Quitting is just running away. No directions, nothing enough to distract you. No talent, no academic cells, nothing.

Does it mean if you know it's gonna turn out bad or it's not gonna have a good ending, you run away. How long can you run. How far can you go like this. You don't have to be accepted everywhere, there are people who would like you in their group just you dont know too, do you know. You don't know whats bugging you. I sense at times your bubbliness is a fake. Why. Why are you dying off, slowing down like that, where are you. Even if you quit, you'll still be unhappy. Don't bash yourself up. Don't give yourself less credit than what you did. Stop bashing yourself up. You are messed up, yes you are.

When flowers gaze at you, they're not the only ones who cry.
Oh what an ugly sight.