You shine so bright it's insane,
You put the Sun to shame.

Sweet rides

I have a new Ambition.

Well, it's not new considering I have always wanted to.
I WANT TO RIDE A MOTORBIKE. Okay, a scooter. Girls ride scooter like so coollllllllllio. Those covered up, one whole frame scooters.
Daddy says they're not extremely costly and can go fast, vroom vroom.

I want a vespa, so chio.

Pink Vespa, hahahah. But will look so retarded on the roads right.

A white one's not bad too, :D And gay rainbow colours. Hot pink seat, (!)

Sweeeeeeet. Anyway, HAPPINESS. Finished my math at Mcs till midnight yesterday and I had guardian angels ^v^. Studying for test later and I understand better now, but I don't get physics concepts. To top it off, I saw a baby pink (like the vespa above) motorbike last night around midnight. As in they boy motorbike kind. The guy was dropping off his girlfriend. I wonder whoose motorbike it is, BUT STILL.

Love tuition at Serangoon Gardens, many shophouses,
Good math, better eyecandy, HAHAHAHAHAHA.