You shine so bright it's insane,
You put the Sun to shame.

Pearl's dumbdumb joke

One day, three criminals were running away from the police. Seeing that the police were catching up, the criminals decided to hide.

The first criminal ran into a bush, and barked like a dog. Thinking it was a dog behind the bushes, the police just walked past.

The second criminal, seeing what happened to the first criminal, ran up a tree, and chirped like a bird. Thinking it was just a bird atop the tree, the police just walked past.

The third criminal, seeing what happened to his comrades, thought too that he would do the same. However, he got caught.
This was because he happily jumped behind a bag of potatoes and chanted,
"Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, potatoes, potatoes......"