You shine so bright it's insane,
You put the Sun to shame.

note to self: check up poly courses

Paperbacks to e-books. Letters to emails. Photographs to online files. Isn't everything more substantial and real in hard copies. I think things are put across more sincerely this way. And they can be kept, it's like Something.

I like my hair not straight now. Just keept tying buns everyday. Wheeheeeee curly wavy messy hair. My hair is long now I will curl it/cut it super short. Changes, how exciting. Yet the very thing people dread depending on time and place.

The lady sat by the window sill with decadence, lost in her own reverie, her hair coiffed in a neat low chignon.
Oh golly, she's going to the party sans gentlemen tonight.

Alright ciao Chalet woohoo second chalet and one more after results. Being a lazy bum I havent uploaded any photos. There are alot of things after results. Build a aunty huang bear and chalet and giggang outing and primary school clique outing and the Valentino Retrospective (A gown exhibition) but will I have the mood after I face my grades hoo hoo. Then again, good or bad life goes on. Desirable or not Imma continue schooling. Why mope at home when you have to spend life anyway?

So, impossible as it may seem
You've got to fight for every dream
Cos who's to know which one you let go
Would have made you complete