Gender sides, don't we always.
A cool thing I learnt from Peiszx:
Bros over hoes.
Chics over dicks.
-TV Drama (hahahahhahahahaha)
Omg I'm so excited we're gonna quit our jobs end dec hehehehe my face is getting oily and disgusting now. And colleagues not = friends, I learnt. Working is so different. I want my icecream/clothes job. I think I'll go job hunt again if I go poly hehe
Y'knw when we were young there's this "Where do babies come from?" shit going on cos kids don't understand. And the explanations painstakingly veer away from any explicit details. Now I see pregnant women and I'm like. OMG SEX SEX SEX. SHE HAD SEX.
So anyyyyyyyyyyway. I took a pic of the ben&jerry's in my fridge cos I damn happy Dad bought it and I ended up taking alot of pics of the food in my fridge instead so my next post shall be a food tour of my fridge hahahahaha cos I haven't uploaded the photos. I keep asking Dad to buy B&J and he refused cos it's pricey and I explained to him how it is thick and chunky and delicious and he doesn't believe me. Lucky for me, we went to Universal Studios and had vouchers for f&b so we went to get b&j and hurray Dad looooooves it. And finally gets what I mean. And mum said hey I want to try too becaue she didn't go for the trip and he bought it. I thought Hey how unfair I say he don't care Mum say he buy. The power of women/wives. But then again he has already tried it for himself hehe. OMG AND MY CUPBOARD IT IS SO FULL. My kitchen is happy now. I guess Dad is happy with his discovery of B&J his whole mood is lifted and now we got alot of food. WOOHOO