Hello Peanut butter (: I like eating peanut butter like that
In the freezer there are also:
The jelly cubes you put in desserts!
This tay chicken thing that's nice when you toast it until it is charred. I like charred food.
Meatballs (pork) and hotdogs (chef's brand) I like 'em charred too.
And in the fridge:
Eggs. Because eggs are nice and filling. I think eggs and potatos are mad filling. Favourite foods hehehehe the other day at Superdog damian added an egg into my bacon burger and I like eggs with ketchup, and potatos are nice in any way -- fried, baked.
These are not even mine. HAHA but they're colourful and in a glass jar, which I like. So I shot it. I think packaging is very important for a product and if I like a packaging I will just buy it. Taste is for later. Superficiality. But still, I have these candies too, from janelle, Bag of everything from Made with Candy. Rock candy. But gummies beat rock candy.
AND CHOCOLATE. I don't understand why people don't like chocolate. I love Snickers hehe and out there the price is 1.60 for a stick but at work we have 30% disc, which is only 1.40 hehe. The price rose so much for a fun pack, though. Last time it was 3.95/4.95 now it's like 5/6/7+. Arnott's mint sliced chocolate cookies. Pearl's too, they taste like the khong guan guides cookies. Anyway the guides cookies from khong guan can be bought from fairprice but in another packaging. Go sniff it out. The yellow box is from jenny from choc.o.late the choc shop like a lab at wheelock. It's mango flavour and has real mango fruit in it! The shop is cool they present chocolate like test products and keep chocolates in white cupboards, which is the shop's wall all around the shop. The chocolates have small medium large on the different sizes, so cute.
MORE CHOCOLATE. Kinderbueno, because the other day pearl felt like eating it cos of the dumb IM commercial of kinderbuenos. The power of ads. AND CADBURY I LOVE CADBURY TOO. They're in the new packaging! 1.5 glass of milk.
These jubes. Are nata de coco cubes and the packet behind is a packet of aloe vera. I used to confuse them up when I was young but I know they're different but I can't explain the difference. Now I know! N.d.c are sweeter and opaque, while a.v are less sweet and transparent.
Honey stars, the best stars in the universe! Well we used to eat more matured cereals like the banana oat honey crunch thing but of late Daddy suggsted these and we bought 'em, there's even a toy top, I think it's incredible hulk top or something. And HL milk, we drank daisy when we were young, then fresh milk became too pricey and we switched to those rectangularish un-refridgerated ones, until one day, it curdled. IT BLOODY CURDLED and when you pour it out it's like glob glob glob and it's gross so we bought HL. And grapes, one of my favourite fruits (I know I have alot of favourites, but I like many things!), I like fruits. But I like the seedless ones cuz I think it's gross when you bite into a seed. I'm lazy too, but that makes up the smaller part, really. And that turquoise-capped three legged water. Convenient, and cooling water said to prevent heatiness. It's cute and skinny.
I LIKE GUMMIES. I MENTIONED RIGHT? Especially grape. hehehe These lot100 (hey the mall's called lot1) grape gummies I think it has mango and strawberries too. The other brand, cocoon, has these gummies softer and in heartshape so cute. Fill up a jar with those and give your lover they'll love you more. hahahaha. Anyway those numbers remind me of the 3.99/2.99 shop which close down I frequent with my mum when I was young when 1 cents still existed. Omg I forgot 1 cents existed during out time! But then again now there's like ValueDollar and Daiso and all that.
My cupboard is stashed with gummies and popcorn and salty wheels and prawn crackers and tissue paper. hehehehe
I really like my kitchen with alot of food. It's convenient. And fattening but d'oh. It makes me happy. It's like abundance, I think my mum told me that during New Year, that's why I like New Year. Food. Food. Food.