You shine so bright it's insane,
You put the Sun to shame.


Look at their epic facial expressions and bodily presentations


HAHAHAHHAHAHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OKAY IDK WHY SO FUNNY BUT THE PICS AND CONVOS ON FACEBOOK MAKING ME FLIP. It's really a blessing to be balloted to get through foc, if not I'd be friendless and everything on the first day of school. Now I have this circle of friends who are like family of all ages races sizes. I'm so glad.

Anyway kids these days are getting reeeeeeeeally smart. There was a boy about 6 behind me in the bus talking to his mum, who also sounds clever. He is so going to RI. I couldn't wait for him to alight so I could see how they looked like. It went something like this --
Mom "In the ancient times people carved in rocks, then on skin then Chinese invented paper and then the brush and gradually came the pen."
Boy "While the Chinese were doing that, what about the Americans and Europeans?"
(Wth how does he know all these countries and the difference how could he think what others were inventing I only knew my Geography in secondary school)
Mom "The ancient Chinese are smart arent they, smarter than the Americans and Europeans?"
Boy "But the Americans invented the iPhone and the iPad!"
(Wth how did he know this!? Kids these days just toy with the gadgets)
Mom "Yup, but the Chinese invented things 1000 over years ago!"
Boy "The Americans and Europeans are smart too! But they have to buck up!!"
(Wth he debate and knows how to balance up things and be unbias)