You shine so bright it's insane,
You put the Sun to shame.


These days have been good. Occupied with outings, exhausted when home. Which means things are going to become bad, because good times never last, but neither do bad times, ain't it! Once you get used to the cycle, bad times are pretty alright. Spending alot of time with campies and neglecting others a fair bit. But oh well I'll learn to balance up in time and c'mon it's obsessio hehehe oh the cheesecake failed because the jelly melted and the biscuit and butter base wasn't sticky enough such a disappointment. Looking on the brighter side, the card is amazing. Looking forward to hit the beach with these guys and the entire camp (Pantheon) later on oh shit I have to get up in 2 hours time. I got sorethroat I need rest. Meh. I QUIT MY JOB NO WORK ANYMORE YAYYYYYYYYYY. HELLO BROKE ME. My pockets have got holes.