Moments that catch you when you least expected are the best ones. Like Caleb caring for me even though he's a small boy and likes to piss me off. Like, I get really pissed!!
Missed smoochies at SIM damn. But I can't wait for 1-for-1 FILET O FISH OMG SO MANY FOOD DEALS NOW SO HAPPY. Starbucks and KFC and Macs but some are already over.
Soooooo tomorrow's finally ACID and I finally got 9 hours of sleep last night what a relief after the hectic handupallyourassignments&nosleep period.
In the end everything boils down to studies. It's where you get respect. And I want to be respected, to be good in something. KNOW THAT FEELING? I WANNA BE GOOD FOR SOMETHING.
How come it bothers me I feel like I'm not getting to people at school the way I got to people in Anderson? And it kind of bothers me how a close talk to someone or after watching a movie can affect immensely and make believe so fervently in thing. Which I will realise after a while that it's in my mind and isn't reality, it isn't me at all.