You shine so bright it's insane,
You put the Sun to shame.

Pain is pain, connected by nerves to the brain

What's the point of winning, playing with hands that dirty?
Play for passion, not for fame.
Some one save that maiden from distress

I was listening to Daddy watch a clip on animal testing. I was triggered to think that for every statement, even if it is an opinion, can be made true. Not just for animal testing, the crux is on experiments, hypotheses and theses. Using phrases like "it is found out that" and "research shows" makes me think that for everything researchers say, there is a basis. (Just like how I fluff my assignments ahaha) However, to what extent is that based on? Everyone will find reasons and grounds possible to support their hypothesis and quote them. Yes, things are tested. But for every statement that is made, its words are chosen carefully, every phrasing disallowed to expose a hint of veering from the point to be made across. All the points and other "research" done which frown upon the conclusion of the supposed outcome will not be included. Critical Omission.
So how do we tell the stars in the sky apart from their reflection in the lake? How do people see the truth

Time will reveal everything. Exposed, or not matter anymore. Wait. Buckle up and sit tight now, pretty young thing. Patience. You have so much to learn, flower.